A QUICK FORTUNE is an award winning comedy web series created by James Gavigan and Erin Hunter, set in the early 1940s, post depression era America. This black and white screwball comedy follows Kate, an impoverished heiress and her lovesick pauper companion Archie. Together they are scheming to win back Kate’s lost fortune through a series of madcap adventures in five bite-size webisodes.  Following in the footsteps of classic screwball, A Quick Fortune brims with zany adventures, outrageous storylines, breakneck dialogue, flamboyant physical comedy, one dizzy dame and one hapless hero.

Official Selection Raindance Web Fest 2015
Official Selection Rio Web Fest 2015 (Nominee Best Production Design)
Official Selection Dublin Web Fest 2015
Amesta Selection Bilbao Web Fest 2015 (Nominee Best Actress Erin Hunter)
Official Selection Seattle Web Fest 2015
Official Selection DC Web Fest 2015 (Silver winner: Screenwriting)
Official Selection Austin Web Fest 2015
Official Selection Miami Web Fest 2015 (Nominee Best Director)
Official Selection Baja Web Fest 2015
Official Selection Sicily Web Fest 2015
Audience Award Winner: London Rolling Film Festival Oct 2014
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